Trash Pickup & Recycling Services

Trash Pickup Service

The Village is contracted with Waste Management for trash pickup. If you are a resident of the Village of Smithton, it is mandatory that you use Waste Management. If you are a new resident and need to set up an account, please contact Waste Management at 800-964-8988 or email at

If you are age 65 or older, stop by the village hall with valid identification showing proof of age to receive a discounted senior rate.

If you wish to use a Waste Management trash container (cart), contact Waste Management to set up your separate account. You will be billed separately by Waste Management for this charge.

Optional Yard Waste collection is also offered by Waste Management once per week. For more information, contact Waste Management. This charge will also be billed separately.

Recycling Service

Smithton’s Recycling Facility is located at the south end of the Smithton Senior Center parking lot at 711 S. Main Street. It is open daily from 7:30 am to 9:00 pm. It is Single Stream Recycling. This facility is for Smithton, Smithton Township and Prairie DuLong Township residents only.

PLEASE REFRAIN FROM DROPPING OFF RECYCLABLE ITEMS WHEN CONTAINERS ARE FULL OR GATES ARE CLOSED. Recycling contractor will not pick up items deposited outside of the containers and you may be prosecuted with illegal dumping. Containers are emptied on Mondays and Fridays.

Acceptable items include:
Cardboard (must be broken down), newspapers, magazines, junk mail, phone books, office paper, folders, clean food and drink cans made from tin, steel or aluminum, plastic containers (not plastic bags) with symbols #1, 2, 3, 4, 5 & 7, and glass containers.

No other items are accepted. DO NOT deposit paint and chemicals, electronics, styrofoam or plastic bags.

Snow Removal & After Hours Services

Snow Removal Service

When there is ice or snow on the Village streets and the Smithton Village Street Department crews are out plowing, please do not park your vehicles on the street — plan to park them in the driveway or plan accordingly. It is very difficult to plow the streets with vehicles in the roadway. This could pose a very dangerous situation not just for the employees, but for your vehicle as well.

After Hours Service

For after hour concerns regarding the Street & Utility department, please contact the non-emergency police line at (618) 233-0550. The officer on duty will contact the appropriate on-call employee.

Electric & Gas Services

If you see a street light out in your neighborhood, please report it directly to your electric company.


Phone : (800) 755-5000

Please email
to report street lights out in your neighborhood.

Monroe County Electric Co-Operative, Inc.

Phone : 618-939-7171

(South of Sand Rock Road)

Internet, Phone & Cable Service Providers

Internet Service Providers

AT&T & Direct TV (must be in town) : (800) 480-8088
Mediacom : (800) 444-5353
Norcom : (618) 257-3750
Whisper : (800) 765-7772 or (618) 206-4190

Phone Service Providers

ATT&T : (800) 480-8088
Mediacom (Wild Wood) : (800) 444-5353
Frontier (South of Town) : (877) 387-3477

Cable Service Providers

ATT&T : (800) 480-8088
Mediacom (Wild Wood) : (800) 444-5353